Sunday, November 2, 2008

More Jewelry

I've been crafting quite a bit this year. I have a webpage for my jewelry, too. Here are some other creations I have made.

It's been awhile

Wow. I have not blogged in quite awhile. Let me see if I can get things up-to-date.

On May 3, 2008 Juliet Burke came into my life. She is a seal tortie point shorthaired cat that was left behind by her owners when they moved out of one of the condo units in a building behind me. She is very sweet and has fit right in. Juliet was pretty healthy, other than having to clear up ear mites and getting her spayed. My vet estimated that she was between 10 months and 1 year of age. I kind of think she might be a little bit older. She doesn't play like a younger cat, although she does have her moments. Sam was totally in love with her the minute he saw her. Tonto hissed a little, but they are now romping buddies and sound like a heard of horses when they chase around the house. Gilda tolerates her and that's about all I can hope from her.